Who do you believe?

At times we seem to forget an important tenet in life:
Men lie.

It amazes me how easily people of today are swayed by what they hear. No one questions anything. Everyone accepts what everyone says. Even when it is wrong.

It is human to be lazy. Our minds will often seek the easiest answer: "I don't know," with a shrug of the shoulder and an expression of apathy. Knowing is, however, extremely important.

Study hard to show yourself as one that is approved, the Good Book says.
Ask, seek, knock. An admonishing to be active in seeking answers.

If a woman calls herself a doctor, she will show you her credentials.
If a man calls himself a prophet, he will tell you to "Touch not my anointed."

A quick question for these so called 'prophets': which way will Bitcoin go tomorrow? Which stock will rally? Which bond will go bad? This information is far more useful to yourself and your church than the girl who is sleeping with that big man for chop money. That is not prophesy; that is gossip.

When a scientist presents his findings and says "Test it yourself, prove me wrong," they will say he is a liar, the antichrist, a messenger from the devil.

Yet when charlatan tells you "Thus sayeth the Lord!" you shriek with joy.

Maybe its because it feels good. Maybe its because it is easy. However, one thing is for certain: the proof of the pudding is in the eating. The truth will always prevail.


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