The end of (insert language or framework here)

A bad workman quarrels with his tools. This is a saying that should be taught to everyone the moment they pick up their first tool.

I have read over and over and over again about how tool X will make tool Y obsolete. It was said about C and C++. It was said about C++ and Java. It was said about Java and C#. It was said about C# and Go, Rust,  Ruby,  Scala,  Python2&3, Kotlin. Even the so called dead and buried Javascript made its comeback. At the end of the day there is one language that rules them all, one language to find them, one rule to bring them all, and in the compiler compile them.
1's and 0's, that is all it is. I am talking about machine code, the 1's and 0's that the processor understands, the code used to control its operation.
5 nanoseconds faster, 3 less lines of code. Higher engineer satisfaction, more productivity. What works for one, does not work for another. The hammer that fits a man's hand would feel awkward in the arms of a child.

Use what makes you happy, what makes you productive, what gets the job done. Let me and mine do it our own way.


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